Goa Konkani Akademi
The Department extends Grant-in-Aid to Goa Konkani Akademi, for undertaking various activities for the promotion and development of the Konkani Language.
The Schemes include financial assistance to budding writers, the publication of dictionaries, research, and publication on folklores, organizing theatre/drama festivals, and conducting workshops on literature.
In the year 2009-2010, Rs. 55 lakhs were released as grants to Goa Konkani Akademi for the above scheme/programs, and a budget provision of Rs. 71.50 lakhs was made in the year 2010-11.
In the year 2011-12 an Amount of Rs. 80 Lakhs has been sanctioned to Goa Konkani Akademi out of which Rs. 48 Lakhs has already been released as 1st installment.
Recurring grants-in-aid to Goa Konkani Akademi of Rs. 25.20 lakhs as 1st Installment for various activities of the Akademi (30 % of Rs. 84.00 lakhs budget sanctioned for the year 2012-13 is released)
Grant-in-Aid to Goa Konkani Akademi for the year 2013-14 Government has been earmarked 100.00 lakhs.