View the performance budget 2010-2011

View the performance budget 2010-2011

The Directorate of Official Language was established by the Government of Goa in 2004 with responsibilities to implement the Official Language Act 1987 and implement schemes for the development of languages prevalent in the State.

To achieve the objective the Directorate is implementing the following plan schemes:

  1. Release of Grants in aid to Konkani Akademi for Promotion & Development of Official Language Konkani.
  2. Grants in aid to Marathi Academy for Promotion & Development of Marathi Language.
  3. Grants in aid to Dalgado Konkani Akademi for Promotion & Development of Konkani in Roman Script.
  4. Promotion and Development of Official Language & Literature.
  5. Scheme for Publications in Official Language.
  6. Scheme of Rajbhas Prashikshan Evzonn 2008
The Directorate also offers the following services in the State :
  1. Translation of Government documents from English to Konkani and vice-versa.
  2. Translation of Government documents from English to Marathi and vice versa.
Committees :
  1. For effective implementation of the Official Language Act, the Government has constituted an Advisory Board consisting of experts in the field of Language & Literature.
  2. A Sub-Committee is appointed under the Advisory Board for Effective Implementation of Official Language Act 1987. The Sub-Committee shall study matters relating to the use of Official Language and recommend the course of action including notifications to be issued under Section 5 of the Official Language Act, 1987 for Effective Implementation of the Act.
  3. To impart the training to all government employees, a Committee of experts has prepared a syllabus and training will be conducted shortly. The training classes will be held at all Taluka levels, in batches.

Other Activities

Publication of State Acts & Rules in Official Language

The Government has decided to translate all State Acts, Rules, Regulations, etc. into Konkani and Marathi Language, and accordingly, this Directorate has constituted a Panel of Translators for Konkani and Marathi Languages to undertake a translation of State Acts, Rules, Regulations, etc. and publish them into book form. The work is in progress.

The Government has decided to translate all State Acts, Rules, Regulations, etc. into Konkani and Marathi Language, and accordingly, this Directorate has constituted a Panel of Translators for Konkani and Marathi Languages to undertake a translation of State Acts, Rules, Regulations, etc. and publish them into book form. The work is in progress.


1. Grant in aid to Goa Konkani Akademi :
The Department extends Grant-in-Aid to Goa Konkani Akademi, for undertaking various activities for the promotion and development of the Konkani Language. The Schemes include financial assistance to budding writers, a publication of dictionaries, research, and publication on folklore, organizing theatre/drama festivals, and conducting workshops on literature. In the year 2009-2010, Rs. 55.00 lakhs were released as grants to Konkani Akademi, and in the current year a provision of Rs. 71.50 lakhs has been made under this Scheme.
2. Grant in aid to Gomantak Marathi Academy:
Is an institute registered under the State Registration Act? It is functioning for the development of the Marathi Language in the State by undertaking various schemes such as the Publication of Books, Dramas, Poetry, Essay Competition at various academic levels, Compilation of Literate Goan Marathi writers, etc. This Directorate releases a yearly grant to this institution. Rs. 30.00 Lakhs were released in the financial year 2009-2010 and in the current year, Rs. 36.00 lakhs have been earmarked for release to the Academy.
3. Grant in Aid to Dalgado Konkani Akademi :
In the year 2009-2010, Rs. 15.00 lakhs were released as grants to Dalgado Konkani Akademi for undertaking literary activities in Roman script. The works to be undertaken by the Akademi include the publication of books in Roman script, conducting workshops/seminars, and other literary functions. A budgetary provision of Rs. 18.00 lakhs has been made for the year 2010-11 to the Akademi.
4. Promotion and Development of Official Language:
In the years 2009 and 2010, this Directorate released grants of Rs. 0.50 lakh to Fr. Agnel College of Arts & Commerce, Pilar-Goa for organizing the National Level Translation Event. Grants of Rs. 6.00 lakhs were released to Konkan Marathi Parishad, Panaji-Goa for organizing Akhil Bharatiya Sahitya Sanskruti Sammelan. Grants ofRs. 6.00 lakhs were released towards the 27th Session of All India Konkani Parishad Sammelan which was held from 05.02.2010 to 07.02.2010 at Sanquelim-Goa. Also grants of Rs. 15 lakhs to Konkani Bhasha Mandal for their activities for strengthening and propagating the Konkani Language in the State and Rs. 15.00 lakhs to Vishva Konkani Parishad, Mangalore for their contribution to the development of the Konkani language and also for establishing Vishwa Konkani Kendra at Mangalore. were released towards the 27th Session of All India Konkani Parishad Sammelan which was held on 05.02.2010 to 07.02.2010 at Sanquelim-Goa. Grants of Rs. 6.00 lakhs for their activities for strengthening and propagating the Konkani Language in the State and Rs.15.00 lakhs to Vishva Konkani Parishad, Mangalore for their contribution to the development of the Konkani language and also for establishing Vishwa Konkani Kendra at Mangalore. Grants were released to Naad Brahma, Vasco - da - -Gama of Rs. 3.00 Lakhs for the financial year 2009-10 towards the production of audio C.D. containing songs on selected poems of late Shri. Bakibab Borkar to commemorate the Birth Centenary of Shri. Bakibab Borkar great poet of Goa. However, considering the quality of work and accelerated expenditure involved in making the C. D. of selected poems of late Shri Borkar it has been decided by the Government to release an additional amount of Rs. 2.00 lakhs to be released during the current yearn2010-11 of late Shri Borkar it has been decided by the Government to release 2010-11.
5. Scheme for Publications in Official Language:
This Directorate has formulated a Scheme for Publication in the Official Language on the subjects of Science and Technology, Sociology, Philosophy, Finance, History, Agriculture Rural Development, Information Technology, etc., which has been implemented in the current year. The Evaluation Committee is formulated for the Publication Scheme, on the subjects of science & Technology, Sociology, Finance, etc., and under this scheme, three books were selected for the year 2009-10 and subsequently, books were released in the current year. A provision of Rs. 7.00 lakhs is made under the Budget 2010-11for current years publication.
6. Scheme of Rajbhas Prashikshan Evzonn 2008:
This Directorate has formulated a scheme called Rajbhas Prashikshan Evzonn 2008 to impart in-service training to all Government employees in the Official Language. This is intended to help carry out all the official work in Konkani, which is the Official Language of the State of Goa, as is the practice in other states. Rs. 7.00 lakhs are provided for 2010-11 for the scheme.